RuneMaster is a League of Legends Discord bot now running in 60+ different discord servers and is featured in the popular discord bot site wrote a blog about some of the tech challenges I had while writing this Bot, check it out: Blog
The bot is currently maintained, mostly by me. But because of it's relative simplicity I've been able to maintain it by myself. Most recently I added more efficient caching which is now being used in our main production servers. The following is the README from the project you can checkout on Github.
A Discord bot for League of Legends:

All commands start with a >
and most commands will require an argument, usually this will be the name of a champion. If the champ has a space or a singlequote dont include them in the name. ex: DrMundo, Reksai, Kaisa
- >hello: RuneMaster greets you!
- >commands: Returns a list of all the commands
- >help *: Returns a tooltip with the usage on a specific command `>help info`
- >tierlist | tiers: Returns an image of the current up to date ranked tier list
- >oldtierlist | oldtiers: Returns an image of the old outdated ranked tier list
- >tier *: Returns an image of the tier rank specified `>tier gold`
- >regions: Returns a list of all regions that you can use to look up
all of these commands take the name of a player as an arguement(input) >summon KR hideonbush
- >summon *: Returns information on a Summoner like they're level, rank, player icon. Default region is NA, don't include a region if you just want NA
- >matches *: Returns an image of the last 10 games in the players entire match history
- >soloranked_matches *: Returns an image of the last 10 games in the players solo ranked match history
- >flexranked_matches *: Returns an image of the last 10 games in the players flex ranked match history
all of these commands take the name of a champion as an arguement(input) >info Aatrox
- >info *: Returns detailed information on a Champion, including description, stats, image
- >runes *: Returns an image of the highest win-rate Runes on that champion
- >build *: Returns an image of the highest win-rate Build on that champion
- >skills, >abilities, >spells: Returns an image of Summoner Spells, Pick and Win Rate, as well as skill-up order.
- >stats *: Returns an image of important stats about the champion like Tier, Abilities, and Champions that counter this champion.